Monday, August 23, 2010

It's a cliche but I DIG IT!

That's right folks, my transformation from a hard nosed Scouser hailing from Liverpool to an accessorized guns-for-show, knives-for-a-pro style New Yawker is complete... I have a dog! We have a dog. She's AWESOME!!

Thankfully, although it looks like one of those annoying little "purse pooches" - it's not. And while it's breed sounds a little girlie (it's a puggle) she's going to grow to a sturdy 20lbs or so. The trick to avoid having to put my testicles completely in the box on the bedside table next to Miss Musical's side of the bed is keeping my love's musical theatre, super girly, excitement contained as much as possible... ;)

For example. While I was racing to the pet store last night to pay for the dog and pick her up before the store closed, Miss Musical was going to Petco to buy the necessities for having a puppy in our apartment for the first night ever... and here's what she bought...

- One leash, pink.
- One leash collar, pink.
- One rain coat, also pink.
- Training toilet / pee-pads? Not so much.
- Sh*t bags? Not so much.
- Food? Not so much.

Well, at least she did buy a carry-case to transport the little bundle of puppy-poop back to our apartment. :)

Haha. I had to laugh, she's a total rock star really. Gotta love her!!

So far, so good. We have managed to avoid pandering to her crying, she stops within minutes of starting because we don't pay her any attention. We taught her to sit! Possibly the coolest thing, ever. We (sort of) taught her to crap / slash on the pee-pad. It's 50/50 so far.... but she looks like a quick learner!

And while the thought of walking her outside with a pink leash and collar did make me feel a little sick inside, I pulled it off with my masculinity fully intact this afternoon. I've never HAD so much female attention in all my life!!

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