Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How cute is our puppy?

Seriously?! HOW CUTE?!

Little lovely bum sniffer...

(Images are copyright of www.lindsaymayphotographs.com of New York)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Battlestar Galactica MOVIE in 2011? NOOOOOO!

People, greetings.

I'm writing to you this evening feeling rather sick, twisted up inside and wanting to VOM. Apparently, Bryan Singer (X-Men, Superman Returns, Valkyrie) is going to write, produce and direct (you know it's going to be bad already, a-la the recent George Lucas approach to the new Star Wars and Indy movies, e-hem) a remake of the original Battlestar Galactica series from the 1980s. WHY?! WHY GOD DAMN IT, WHY?!?!

The original was CHEESY. It was a Star Wars knock-off when everyone realised that George Lucas was on to something and the space-opera was not a joke, not a waste of cash but a potential gold-mine. All sorts of sci-fi knock offs started to appear. This was TERRIBLE, although as a pre-10 year old boy in love with spaceships I did sort of like it (what did I know?! I was a dumb kid) - but it didn't come close to Star Wars. Anyway. Back to Bryan Singer. Really? Come on.

Usual Suspects was AMAZING. I'd give it 10/10 and;
X-Men was AMAZING. I'd give it 9/10.

But... those movies were 15 years ago and 10 years ago!!! Everything since then has essentially been PANTS. And lets take a quick look-see...
e.g.1: Superman Returns - utter disappointment, long, boring, pointless, crap. 2/10
e.g.2: Valkyrie - ok, not bad. But not great either. Yawn. Action. Yawn. Action. End. Does anyone really remember ANY of that movie? Really? I didn't think so...

Yes, he did co-produce the TV series 'House' but come on... seriously. What about JJ Abrams? Paul Greengrass? Hell, I'd take Jonathan Frakes over Bryan Singer for this movie. Anyway - I'll stop attacking ol' Bryan because I do respect him and keep holding out for that next big Usual Suspects-like movie. You can do it dude, just try harder!! But for Christ's sake - it's not going to be Battlestar sodding Galactica - the remake. No. Come on. No no no.

BSG was remade and re-imaged already, 2005-2009. It was AMAZING. It just ended. 4 solid, earth shattering seasons, last year. LAST YEAR, man!! Didn't you see it?!  Come on, yes you did man. Yes you did.

BSG was INCREDIBLE. Starbuck's a bird (Katee Sackhoff - YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!! Oh my god you rocked). Edward James Olmos, Jamie Bamber (Hammersmith in the house! Represent!), James Callis (possibly the best character in a TV show - EVER), Tricia Helfer (HOLY JESUS she could act and she was HOT!) and Grace Park (I sat next to her in a restaurant in Hawaii recently!) and more. The stories, the plotlines - did I say this already? They were amazing. The themes they used, the angles they took, the bare, blunt, frighteningly real questions that we're faced with today played out in front of us every week, set in a dark, chaotic world. Forget the sci-fi element - this was a human story, a story about who we are, what we're capable of or not capable of as a race, as people, as individuals. It challenged the deepest, darkest aspects of our psyches and some our most cherished beliefs. It was engaging on so many different levels and the end of each season just got better and better until finally, the end of Season 4 - the final ever episode split across 2.5 hours of mesmerising television - I'll never forget it and I have watched it over and over and OVER again. IT WAS AWESOME. I can't remember another TV show that ended the way it should have done, not even Lost (and I LOVED Lost).

There is no way that a 2 hour movie can even begin to capture the spirit, depth or drama of the recent TV show - if it tries, which I don't think it will, it wouldn't do it justice. So where does this leave us? With the possibility of a remake of the original? The original was SH*T! Why bother? WHY?!

Ughhhhh.... I've just about given up on Hollywood. Do something original - PLEASE.

I'll leave you with this... Katee Sackhoff, Tricia Helfer, Jamie Bamber, Jamie Callis, Ed Olmos, Mary McD, Grace Park, Tahmoh Penikett, Mike Hogan, Aaron Douglas, Alessandro Juliani, Michael Trucco, Donnelly Rhodes... you guys ruled the TV for 5 years and made the best entertainment I've EVER seen on the TV or the silver screen - you were and are the best of the best.

Frak the Singer movie! Frak! Frak! Frak!

Puppy training... woes!

People. Who would have thought that training a puppy was going to take up sooooo much time and energy?!

Ok - I did. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, I knew it would make my skin crawl when the inevitable accidents happened... peeing on the rug, pooping on the kitchen floor then seeing her go to eat it. I saw it all coming, I knew it was going to stressful but I chose to do it anyway. So often in life I see people make decisions like this - why do we do it?

Our guts tell us that it's going to turn out like this but we go ahead anyway. Our guts tell us one thing (in my case, 99% of the time it's giving me the right advice) but we our heads tell us the opposite and we follow what our crooked thinking tells us. I have a theory...

I think we chose to listen to our heads rather than our guts because we like to think of ourselves as an evolved, intelligent species - using our enlarged craniums to guide the way, somehow being able to compute millions of variables and possible outcomes with possible solutions - on the fly, to a high degree of accuracy. Why would I believe that when I count out the letters of my passwords on my fingers when my internet-banking site asks for the 3rd and 8th letters? :) When we hear our guts, no matter how in-tuned we are to what we hear it telling us, it reminds us that we were once animals - eating our poop and peeing on the proverbial lamp-posts of 100,000 B.C. (or whenever it was before our ape-like ancestors started shedding body hair and growing grey matter). We don't like it, we're no longer animals, we're evolved, clever, cunning, masters of our destinies. I think we listen to the often misleading - media-swamped, government conditioned, pseudo-babble - inner monologue that our brains spit out - because it flatters our egos to think we're super intelligent.

But anyway... enough of that waffle. It's Sunday and although Sundays are a good time to read a broadsheet with your morning coffee and engage in "isn't it terrible what's going in the Congo" type conversation with your brunch-pals, instead of fingering through the copy US magazine you 'borrowed' from your girlfriend, there is a time and place for such navel-contemplated - and now is not it or there.

Our puppy... We wake in the morning to find a pile of poop on the kitchen floor. When ever she needs to pee we often can't get to her in time if we see her do her pre-pee / sniffing the ground and going in circles routine. When we're not around or there to see the pre-pee routine it's 50/50 as to whether or not she goes on the pee-pad (disgusting diaper-like-but-flat paper things that lay on the floor for your puppy to slash all over, if it remembers where to go... When we leave her alone when she doesn't want to be alone she'll dump a load on the floor and if she's really upset, she'll eat it (that's right folks! MING CENTRAL!!!). Or she'll pee right next to the pee-pad, not ON it, NEXT TO it. Mother-F-er!!! :)

But I have to admit, as much as training her is difficult and not a quick process, when she does go outside and not inside the apartment I'm filled with joy (relief? joy and relief? - whatever) and it feels GOOD! She's a little star in all honesty. She doesn't howl or cry endlessly when she's on her own, she behaves herself most of the time and loves to be around people. She loves to play with children and other dogs - big and small - a real star. Although my near-OCD like tendencies kick in every time I spot an accident, or think about where her paws have been as she runs around the apartment... I love her and don't regret the day we brought her home from the pet store one little bit.

Now, before I sign off... puppy training tips people - gimme some!! A-woooooooowwwwww! :)
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