Hello people!
I haven't blogged in a while. Partly because I haven't felt hugely inspired to write, so I don't just want to write about just anything, but also because I've been CRAZY busy. Miss Musical finished her run of shows at the end of June (which were awesome, she totally rocked if I do say so myself!), she just returned to New York and on the 28th June we moved in together! We've been wrapping, packing and unpacking all week. Oh, not to mention that my clients have been kicking me from corner to corner - this City has some insane personalities, I swear to God. Any mafia based movie or politically based movie you have seen is REAL - just times it by like 1000 and then you're just about there. But that's another blog post...
Today I'm blogging because it's 4th July weekend and I'm feeling inspired to write again. This was SUCH a great weekend to be in New York City. People going nuts for the red, white and blue. Cops out in their hundreds up and down the avenues and the streets. The weather was pushing 100 degrees. Thousands of people trying to find a good spot to see the fireworks... it was brilliant. Check out some of the pictures I took... I'm pretty chuffed with them! WDYT?
Perhaps this is because we Brits exaggerate our perception of Amercans, you know - the gung-ho stars and stripe kissing yanks who scream "U! S! A!! U! S! A!!" while beating their chests, chugging Bud Lite and listening to Springsteen - but it really wasn't like that. Well, we did watch the fireworks from our apartment window, but the City was pretty quiet during the day. People went about the shops and were out having brunch, that kind of thing. And while the sidewalks below us were filled with people trying to get a glimpse of the fireworks, they were all just merry, happy, enjoying the moment. I didn't see or hear anyone going particularly nuts. They were just whooping and cheering. I also didn't get any stick for my British accent during the day which I bet my soon-to-be lynched for being a limey ass that I would have done!
Well done Americans! Well done New York! I really enjoying watching you all celebrate your independence. Who really gives a monkey's about the price of tea anyway? :)